• Napoleon Bonaparte At Elba As Seen By A Contemporary.
ITO THE EDITOR or ran '‘ SPECTATOR 1 SIK,—I think the following memorandum found among old papere is likely to interest your readers. It appeared in a provincial journal in......
The Late Lady Ritchie.
[To THE EDITOR or THE SPEIITATOR."1 Sta,—The following nlay prove of interest to some of your readers, to whom the name of Thackeray recalls much that is best and most treasured......
Lady Ritchie's Ghost Story.
ITo THE EDITOR or me " Smenroa."1 Sin,—The description of Lady Ritehie's ghost story in the Spectator of March 8th is more easily explained than your correspondent-is aware of.......
Pancake Day At Westminster School.
[To THE EDITOR or THE SPECTATOR."I Stn,—The account of His Majesty's visit to Westminster on Shrove Tuesday recalls pleasant memories of Pancake Days when I was a boy. I became......
Early English Plays.
ITo THE EDITOR or THE " firtuaroa."1 Sin,—The great. sale of Lord Mostyn's collection of early English plays which will be held at Messrs. Sotheby's new galleries on March 20th......