15 MARCH 1919, page 19

Rhadable Novels.—buspense. By Isabel Ostrander. (skef-...

American story of crime and its detection. The author does not quite succeed in making her readers realize the personality of Betty Shaw, the heroine, as completely as she does......

The Logic Of History. By C. G. Crump. (s.p.c.k. Bd.

net.) —This very shrewd little essay on the limitations of history—a science perhaps, but only an inverse science, like geology, because "its followers are continually employed......

We Have Received The First Number Of Ways And Means,

a new sixpenny weekly which is to be " a platform for any responsible industrial opinion," and which starts with instructive articles by Mr. Whitley on "Industrial Councils,"......


THE TUNNEL.• IN a study of the art of the late Lady Ritchie in the Times Literary Supplement the writer commented in particular on the "spaciousness and composure" of her style.......

Some Books Of The `'week.

'Notice to !hie totem date sot Reemerge predate zaielscat wc,tic.1 Lea Garanties de la Paix. DeuxiSme Partie, "Examen Critique." Par Yves Guyot. (Paris: Alcoa. 3 fr. 50 c.)—In......

Reveille. Edited By John Galsworthy. No. 3. (stationery...

6d. net.)—Mr. Galsworthfs semi-official quarterly devoted to the disabled sailor and soldier opens with a caricature of Mr. Sargent by Mr. Max Beerbohm, and contains some poems......

Greater European Governments. By A. Lawrence Lowell. (h....

6d. net.)—The President of Harvard in this book has abridged his well-known works on British and European Governments, and has revised the text so as to incorporate the new......