Cambridge Stationers, Printers, Bookbinders. By The Rev....
(Cambridge Bowes and Bowes. ls. 6d. net.)— Dr. Stokes's interesting lecture on the book trade at Cambridge was suggested by the late Mr. Robert Bowes's gift to the town of a......
The Future Belongs To The People. By Karl Liebknecht. Edited
by S. Zimand. (Macmillan. 7a. 6d. net.)—The American editor of this little book has put together the speechee made by the late Dr. Liebknecht from the ()Meet of the war to June,......
Handicrafts And Reconstruction. Notes By Members Of The...
Crafts Exhibition Society. (John Hogg. 2s. 6d. net.) —This collection of short and suggestive essays by Miss May Morris, Professor Lethaby, Mr. H. Wilson, Mr. Okey, and other......
Firewood*. By A. D. Webster. (t. Fisher Unwin. 12s. 6d.
net.)—Many town-dwellers will think Mr. Webeter's book as superfluous as a treatise on diamonds, for firewood was never so scarce as it is now. It is, however, an interesting......
The Countries And Tribes Of The Persian Calf. By Colonel
S. B Miles. (Harrison and Sons. 31s. 6d. net.)—The. late Colonel Miles was stationed successively at Aden as Resident, at Muscat as Consul, and at Baghdad as Consul-General......
War Lessons New And Old. By Sir George Aston. (j.
Murray. 7s. 6d. net.)—Sir George Aston's collected papers on the war are noteworthy for the emphasis laid on the waist prin- ciples of strategy, and for the attention paid to "......
Sir John Marshall In The Annual Report Of The Archaeological
Burney of India for 1916-17 (Calcutta: Superintendent of Government Printing, 3s.) says that the famous Ajanta frescoes are decaying, and that an Italian expert has been asked......