A Little Pacificist.
(To ens Enna or vas "Sesarerea."1 Sub—In view of the hardship euppoeed to he inflicted on children by the Daylight Saving Act, which has the effect of com- mitting them to bed......
Joseph Hodges Choate.
(To rex Entreat or in "Sescuros."1 Su,—At the request of Mrs. Choate. I am engaged upon the biography of Joeeph Hodges Choate. I ehall be obliged, and eo will Mr. Choate's......
THE PRINCIPLES OF WAR.* Ma. EKLLOO has done well to translate one of Marshal Foeh's two famous books, and will, we trust, find time to translate the other, on The Conduct of......
Male Births In War Time.
(To TIM EDITOR OT THR BPI:CW[01s") ie, I think, commonly held that in times of war more male children are born than female. In this small parish of two hundred and thirty......
"NOW TO BE STILL AND REST. . . Now to be still and rest, while the heart remembers All that it learned and loved in the days long past, To stoop and warm our hands at the fallen......
Early English Plays.
ITo THE EDITOR or THE " firtuaroa."1 Sin,—The great. sale of Lord Mostyn's collection of early English plays which will be held at Messrs. Sotheby's new galleries on March 20th......
Notice.—when "correspondence" Or Artseka Are Eigned With...
or initials, or with a pecuclonym, or are marked "Communicated," the Editor must not necessarily be held to be in agreement with the views therein expressed or with the mode of......
Rho Sputater We Suggest That There Can Be No Better
Present in Peace or War than an Annual Subscription to the Spectator. He or she who gives the Spectator as a present will give a weekly pleasure, as well as a weekly reminder......