A serious riot occurred on Tuesday and Wednesday week among
the Canadian troops quartered at 'Unmet Park, nem RhyL The men are awaiting ships to take them home, and an naturally impatient at the delays which have occurred for want of transports. Rumour told them that some conscripts had been given preference, in going home, over the men who volun- teered at the outset of the war. Some unruly spirits profited by the indignation which this rumour sauced and began looting the canteens. On Wednesday week a party of rioters led by ■ Russian with a red flag attacked one of the orderly sections ol the camp. Firearms were used, and the Russian, after killing an unarmed man, was shot dead. In all, five men were killed and twenty-one injured in this unhappy affair. Order was then restored and the ringleaders were placed under arrest. We eau assure the Canadians that no one attaches any importance to the incident. There are a few black sheep in every flock. Englishmen, like their Canadian kinsfolk, find nothing so painful to endure as enforced idleness, and can well understand the annoyance of these hard-fighting Canadians at having W wait, week after week, for the ships that do not come.