Mr. Boner Law told the House of Commons on Monday,
m reply to a question, that he was communicating with the Prime Minister in regard to the construction of the Channel TunneL This reply convoyed nothing to the ordinary mind. The Daily Chronicle and the Times on Tuesday, however, told the public that Mr. Boner Law's words really implied that the Government had decided to make the tunnel. Presumably these newspapers are well informed, but it seems strange that the Leader of the House could not communicate so important an announcement directly to the House itself, which will, of course, have to be asked to debate and sanction the proposal. For our part, we recognize that eireumetances have undergone so great. a change since the tunnel scheme was first mooted that those who once opposed it must now support it with equal conviction. A tunnelunder the Straits of Dover, which will bring Paris nearer a•td make it possible to entrain at Charing Cross for Constanti. nople, Baghdad, and eventually Delhi, is much to be desired.