16 JULY 1921, Page 12


[To THE EDITOR or THE "SPECTATOR.") must thank you for your courtesy in inserting my letter in your last issue, but must plead non-comprehension as to the meaning of your comment. I challenged your statements of fact, and did not enter into any expression of opinion as to the Balfour Declaration. A refutation of my statements or a veri- fication of your own would have been understandable. I am not, as a rule, "slow in the uptake," but how my letter can be regarded as a proof of "the spirit in which the Zionists are interpreting Mr. Balfour's guarded declaration" has puzzled me completely. Am I to understand that a Zionist has no right to criticize statements which are, to put it mildly, inaccurate and misleading? In the spirit of the famous comment of the schoolboy on a harmless rodent : "This animal is very fero- cious; if it is attacked it defends itself." If that is your view as to how discussion as to facts (and not opinions, I must again remind you) is to be conducted, I can only say that it is a gem Oa the literature of controversy.—I am, Sir, &c.,