Letters To The Editor.
[Letters of the length of one of our leading paragraphs are often more read, and therefore more effective, than those which fill treble the space.] QUEEN VICTORIA, BISMARCK, AND......
Bunkers Hill, Hampstead. [to The Editor Of The "...
SIR,-I[ will interest many of your readers to know that there are two Bunkers Hills. On one at Charlestown, Massachusetts, there stands a monument erected to commemorate the......
The Late Lord Balfour Of Burleigh. [to The Editor Of
THE " STECTATOR."] Sm,—With the death of Lord Balfour of Burleigh a notable figure has passed from our stage—notable in politics, in busi- ness, in Society, in the street. "B.......
The Anglo-japanese Alliance.
[To THE EDLTOIL or TJIE " SPECTATOR."2 Sin,—The letter from Mr. Okamoto, Special London Corre- spondent of the Asahi, Osaka, in your issue of the 9th inst. is most interesting......