16 JULY 1921, page 21

University Of Kansas. His Elaborate And Painstaking...

illustrated by numerous examples from American newspapers, shows how seriously the technique of journalism is being studied in the United States. We are glad to note his remark......

Some Problems Of The Peace Conference. By C. H. Haskins

and R. H. Lord. (H. Milford. 12s. 6d. net.)—This is a good statement of the main geographical problems which the Peace Conference had to solve. The authors, two well-known......

The Handy Royal Atlas. By G. H. Johnston. (w. And

A. K. Johnston; _Macmillan. 70s. net.)—The many changes made by the war have necessarily made the pre-war atlases obsolete in respect of political frontiers. This new edition of......

The History Of Th.e Yorubas. By The Rev. Samuel Johnson.

Edited by Dr. 0. Johnson. (Routledge. 21s. net.)—This noteworthy book was written by a native missionary and has been edited by his brother. It appears to be based largely on......

My Canadian Memories. By S. Macnaughtan. (chapman And...

6d. net.)—Canada has long ceased to be for us a far distant country. Yet in spits of this fact, and in spite of the presence here of so many of Canada's sons during the Great......

A Short History Of Newnham College, Cambridge. By Alice...

(Cambridge : Bowes and Bowes. 7s. 6d. net.)— This lucid and dispassionate narrative of a great movement is in itself a justification of higher education for women. Miss Gardner......