16 JULY 1921, page 2

Mr. Lloyd George Next Explained How There Had Been A

con- fusion about the continuance of the Anglo-Japanese agreement. Doubt had arisen ESS to whether the notification to the League of Nations last July was a denunciation of the......

This Plan, We Believe, Would Be Sure To Answer. Millions

of Americans are deeply interested in Mr. Lloyd George, and would be greatly pleased to see him and hear him. As to the other delegates, it appears to us that it would be an......

Though We Felt Bound To Say What We Have Just

said, On general question of whether it is wise for a Prime Minister t3 leave his country and the direction of affairs and to shut himself up for weeks in some capital city......

We Are Told On Very High Authority That Of The

people who went to America during the war, none made a better impression than the Archbishop of York and Sir Walter Lawrence. They are, indeed, sometimes grouped with the Prince......

President Harding's Proposal Has, Of Course, Been...

throughout Britain. It is a pleasure to note that, according to the Times, the diplomatic representatives of Japan in London were warm in their approval of the President's......

When We Went To Press Last Week Discussions Were Going

on in Dublin between Mr. De Valera and Lord Midleton and other representatives of Southern Unionism. General Smuts has also been in Dublin for several days and has seen Mr. De......

• If The Times Will Not Think It " Pompous

" of us to say so, we want to pay the greatest courtesy possible to the Government Of the United States. But there is no doubt that one of the best ways of doing so is to send......

Mr. De Valera And His Colleagues Arrived In London...

and on Thursday they went to Downing Street for a prelimieny conference with the Prime Minister. What will be the result of the conference no one dares prophesy, so strangely......

In His Letter To The Prime Minister Mr. De Valera

said that " to end the centuries of conflict between the peoples tif these two islands and to establish relations of neighbourly harmony is the genuine desire of the people of......

The North Happily Needs No Safeguards, But Here We Desire

to ,remind the country that the Ulstermen do not claim, and never will claim, the right to veto any arrangements with Ireland, outside the Six County Area, which the British......

The Text Of The Disarmament Proposal Which President...

made to the Great Powers has not been published, but last Sunday night an official statement was issued from the White House at Washington giving the substance of the pro-......