16 JULY 1921, Page 2

Mr. Lloyd George next explained how there had been a

con- fusion about the continuance of the Anglo-Japanese agreement. Doubt had arisen ESS to whether the notification to the League of Nations last July was a denunciation of the agreement. The Japanese Government took the view that there had been no denunciation, and that view was shared by the Secretary for Foreign Affairs. As doubt, however, still existed, the question was submitted to the Lord Chancellor, who considered it with the Law Officers of the Crown. These officials had also come to the conclusion that there had been no denunciation. It therefore followed that the agreement would remain in force until the expiration of twelve months from the time of denu_n- elation. Finally, the Prime Minister asserted that he and the whole Imperial Conference were convinced that the first of our principles in Far Eastern policy must be co-operation with the United States. It remains to add that France and Italy have also accepted President Harding's proposal.