16 JULY 1921, page 3

The Question Of The Party System Is Becoming More And

more acute. Lord Derby has made a speech to Lancashire Unionists in which he calls for a new and unified Conservative Party, but deprecates Lord Salisbury's desire to drive the......

There Is, We Are Glad To Note, A Growing Body

of financial opinion which takes this view. It has the powerful support of Mr. McKenna, who put the case with clarity and vividness :— "The declared policy ef monetary deflation......

Sir Godfrey Collins, Who Was Entertained At Luncheon By The

Aldwych Club on Tuesday, made an interesting speech on public expenditure and the necessity for economy. Especially curious and valuable was his analysis of the expenditure of......

The Eton And Harrow Match This Year Was, If Possible,

eves a greater success than usual. Although Eton won with the fair margin of seven wickets, there was a most anxious period for her supporters when 122 had to be made in the......

The Resolution Which The Credits And Currency Committee...

Federation of British Industries, under the presidency of Sir Peter Rylands. sent to the Prime Minister on Tuesday, recommending a reconsideration of the report of the Cunliffe......

On Tuesday Mr. De Valera, Accompanied By Mr. Arthur...

Mr. R. C. Barton, Mr. Austin Slack, the Lord Mayor of Dublin, and Count Plunkett, arrived in London. Some hundreds of Irish men and women unfurled an Irish Republican Flag at......

On The Eve Of The Truce Tragic Riots Began In

Belfast. In the early hours of Monday morning a band of Sinn Feiners attacked a party of police, killing one constable and seriously wounding two. This outrage led to the usual......

From A Theoretic Point Of View The Arguments Against...

seem unanswerable. After all, it does not really matter whether we give few or many tickets for a thing. What does matter is that we should give a known number of tickets, that......

In His Letter To The Prime Minister Mr. De Valera

said that " to end the centuries of conflict between the peoples tif these two islands and to establish relations of neighbourly harmony is the genuine desire of the people of......

The Outcome Of This Position Seems To Depend On Whether

there is enough opinion in the country to form a party that is too Con- servative to vote with Labour and too Liberal to vote Unionist. If there are to be only two parties, the......

Bapk Rate, 6 Per Cent., Changed From 61 Per Cent.

June 23, 1921; 5 per cent. War Loan was on Thursday, 88i; Thursday week, 88k; a year ago, 851.......