16 JULY 1921, page 20

Rnadablb Novers.—the Pitcher Of Fate. By Iris Marshall....

88. 6d. net.)—A Russo-Polish historical novel of the period immediately following the death of Ivan the Terrible. h little less history and a little more of the romantic element......

The History Of Th.e Yorubas. By The Rev. Samuel Johnson.

Edited by Dr. 0. Johnson. (Routledge. 21s. net.)—This noteworthy book was written by a native missionary and has been edited by his brother. It appears to be based largely on......

Some Books Of The Week.

r.votics in this column does not necessarily preclude subsequent review.] That very energetic organization, the Society of SS. Peter and Paul, has issued An Official Handbook to......


DANGEROUS AGES.* A QUARTETTE of women whose ages range from twenty to eighty-four forms the subject of this discriminating and analytical novel. When it is said that the girl is......

Morocco That Was. By Walter B. Harris. (blackwood.

25s. net.)—No Englishman knows Morocco better than Mr. W. B. Harris, and his new book, mainly about Mulai Abdul Aziz, Mulai Hafid, and Raisuli, is most entertaining. His......