r.votics in this column does not necessarily preclude subsequent review.]
That very energetic organization, the Society of SS. Peter and Paul, has issued An Official Handbook to the First Anglo. Catholic Priest.? Convention, which is being held at Oxford. It is a well got-up little book and is quite delightfully printed. Indeed, the Society seems to be a most up-to-date organization. We may quote from a little account it gives of itself. "The Company also deals in everything for the Church and Altar' for the convenience of the clergy, and profits made in trading frequently enable books to be published at prices below com- mercial standards. For this reason priests have every induce- ment to place their orders for sacristy supplies with a House which has unrivalled experience and knowledge in supplying the right thing in the right way. ' " For the rest the book contains a programme for the Convention, the Mass of the Holy. Ghost, and similar matter.