Strange Birds.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPeCTATOR."7 Sia,—On June 26th I saw on Woodham Common, Surrey, a pair of birds corresponding in all points to those described by Lady Hope as having......
The Commonwealth Of Virginia. [to The Editor Of Tile...
Sie,—Section 75 of the Constitution of Virginia of 1902 provides that "Commissions and grants shall run in the name of Commonwealth of Virginia, and be attested by the Governor......
(to The Editor Of Thz " Spectator."1 Sia,—in My Immediate
neighbourhood (near Stafford) swallows have increased within the last few years. Given facilities for nesting, i.e., securing free access to their old haunts, I find they return......
(to Thz Editor 07 The " Sphitator."1
Sia,—So far as house martins are concerned, the shortage of swallows, which has been increasing of late years, may be partly accounted for by the fact that sparrows are taking......
[to The Editor Op Thz "spectator."]
Sie,—In reference to Mr. J. Challenor Smith's suggested explanation (Spectator, June 18th) of the scarcity of swallows, the following extracts from an article which has recently......
[TO TEM EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] Stu,—Probably many constant readers of the Spectator who are Interested in bird life would welcome an authoritative state- ment in your......