16 JULY 1921, Page 21

My Canadian Memories. By S. Macnaughtan. (Chapman and Hall. 12s.

6d. net.)—Canada has long ceased to be for us a far distant country. Yet in spits of this fact, and in spite of the presence here of so many of Canada's sons during the Great War, knowledge of that "country, its people and conditions is for the majority still only superficial, and it is always interest- ing and enlightening to have the impressions of a thoughtful observer of other lands. It is therefore somewhat disappointing that the late Miss Macnaughtan, so qualified to give such im- pressions, should have comparatively little to say about present. day Canada. She has been attracted rather by its history, its rise and development, the romance of its great railroads, and the careers of some of its more celebrated SOM. The develop- ment of a young nation is always a fascinating subject, and Miss Macnaughtan writes of it with the sympathy and literary quality which distinguished all her work.