17 DECEMBER 1887, Page 16


SYSCTATOR:1 Sia,—In your issue of December 10th, under the heading " Current Literature," you notice the reduction in price recently made in certain editions of the Revised New Testament. We wish to point out to you that in this paragraph you only mention the name of the Oxford Press as publishers. The Revised Bible is, as you know, the joint property of the two Universities, and there is no difference of type, style, or price in the editions pub- lished. In this instance, the books were sent to you from the two Presses, as we think you will find on referring to the label which accompanied the books. You will readily see how such a notice in the Spectator is likely to damage us, and we shall be obliged to you if you will publish a correction of the paragraph in your next issue. May we also point out that not only the Revised New Testament, but also the Revised Bible, has been reduced in price ? It is now possible to buy a copy of the complete book for Is. 6d.—We are, Sir, &a, C. J. CLAY AND SONS. Cambridge University Press Warehouse, December 13th. [We regret the oversight. —ED. Spectator.]