17 DECEMBER 1887, page 1

Britain Should Not Be Asked To Assist Ireland In Turning

tenant-farmers into freeholders, and spoke of these two boons as amply justifying Liberal Unionists—whose main objection to the Home-rule Bill was the injustice of handing over......

Mr. Balfour's Exposure Of The Monstrous Legends Which Are...

as facts by the Parnellites, and by some of their allies on Parnellite authority, was very vigorous. He showed that even Mr. Campbell-Bannerman, whom he would as soon suspect of......

Lord Granville On Tuesday Addressed The Purged Eighty...

Eighty Club which has got rid of its Unionists and supplied their places with Home-rulers. He was, as usual, amusing. Referring to Lord Selborne's sarcasm on the alacrity with......

Mr. Balfour Made A Speech Of Great Power To His

constituents in the Free-Trade Hall, Manchester, on Wednesday evening. He began with quoting his address to the electors, to prove, in answer to Sir George Trevelyan, that he......

The Convention Of Irish Landlords Held This Week Is...

uncertain what to do about Purchase, and has practically post- poned the subject until the meeting to be held just before the Session begins. A detailed scheme will then be......

Lord Randolph Churchill Addressed The People Of Stockport...

at considerable length. There was nothing new in his speech—for his glorification of himself as ameeonomist is not new—but there were two points in it worthy of notice. One was......

Lord Rosebery Spoke At Huddersfield On Thursday, His Main...

being Separation. He maintained that Ireland could not maintain herself as an independent State, for her resources would not suffice, and she would be constantly overshadowed by......