The Fungus-hunter's Guide, By W. Delisle Hay (swan...
and Co.), is a " Field Memorandum-Book" for the practical use of those who are interested in the study of fungi. We noticed the larger work some little time ago, and willingly......
In "politicos," The Author Of New Social Teachings (regan...
Trench, and Co.), we recognise both moral earnestness, and a power of forcible and not ungraceful expression which accompanies that earnestness, and perhaps springs from it. His......
New Historical Atlas And General History. By Robert H....
(Macmillan.)—" It is an ill wind that blows no one good," and the public of students has reason to be obliged to the fire which destroyed the plates of Mr. Iabberton's former......
History Of Old English Letter-foundries. By Talbot Baines...
Stock.)—This is a very interesting and unpretentious book, which it has taken several years to prepare. "Letter-founding bidding fair," Mr. Reed says, "to break all her old ties......
The Time-references In The Divina Commedia. By The Rev....
Moore, D.D. (David Natt.)—This little volume contains the two inaugural lectures delivered by Dr. Moore after his appointment to the Barlow Lectureship (on Dante), at University......
Studies In Italian Literature. By Catherine Mary...
and Co.)—MienPhlllimore's " Studies " extend over a considerable period. The first is on the Paradise of Dante ; the last four deal with writers who may be said to belong to our......
The Schools Of Greater Britain,' By John Russell (w....
con- tains an account of the " educational systems of the Colonies and India." The information, we need hardly say, is highly interesting. In Australasia, the average cost per......
Beneath Parnassian Clouds And Olympian Sunshine. By C. G....
(Remington and Co.)—A series, this, of pleasant sketches of scenery and life in Northern Greece and in the Eastern Peloponnese. Bceotia, Delphi, and Larissa are the chief points......
The Crescent And The Cross. By Eliot Warburton. (f. Warne
and Co.)—Among the many reminders of the flight of time, is the gradual passing out of the limitation of copyright of books of which one re- members the first appearance. Mr.......
The Signification And Principles Of Art A Critical Essay For
General Readers. By C. H. Waterhouse. (J. S. Virtue and CO— This book purports to be written for general readers, but it is a real puzzle what class of minds it would appeal......
We Have Received The Issue For The Present Year Of
Thacker's Indian Directory (Thacker and Spink, Calcutta ; Thacker and Co., London), an enlarged form, as we understand, of what was known as "The Bengal Directory." It is......
Herta Seldom Fails, However, To Be Interesting, And This...
of Mexican California is not without a freshness, and even a poetry, of its own.......