17 DECEMBER 1887, page 15

The Future Of Brazil.

[To THE EDITOR OF THE ..SPECTATOR."] SIR, —Here is a curious corroboration of the opinion with regard to the future of Brazil expressed by the late Mr. Christie. In a letter of......

A Landlord's Grievance.

[To THY EDITOB 07 THE “EFECTATOIL.] SIR,—Yon have so long been an advocate of reasonable reforms in the Land Laws, that I trust you will lift up your voice on behalf of those......

Political Amazons.

[To THE Burros or Tea SPECTATOR'"] 818,—The strange spectacle of politicians taking their women- kind with them to prohibited meetings, when there is every prospect of a......

To Thy Edttor 07 The 4. Bilictator...) Altogether Agree With

your article of the 3rd as to the extreme dangerousness of M. Pasteur's proposal to destroy the rabbits in Australia by making "hen cholera" endemic. The effects of so doing......

[e A * This Controversy Must Cease Here. We Have Given It,

perhaps, as much space as it deserves ; though, as a typical case of a chronic dispute, it is one of great interest.]......

[to The Editor Op The Spectator." J

Snt,—Perhaps you will allow me space for a reply to Mr. O'Doherty. Mr. O'Doherty begins by objecting to my" delivering judgment in a case to which I am a party." As you are......

M. Pasteur Playing With Edged Tools. [to Thy Editor Of

THE EPEOTATOVI SLR,—In your leader of December 3rd under the above heading, with regard to the acclimitisation in the Antipodes of a plague, limited perhaps in intention to the......