17 DECEMBER 1887, page 16

Charles Darwin.

(To um Banos or sus .1SrscrAros."1 Sla,—In the interesting article that appeared in the Spectator of December 10th on " Charles Darwin," the writer dwells on the point that we......

Revised Version Of The Bible. Fro Tes Editor Of The

SYSCTATOR:1 Sia,—In your issue of December 10th, under the heading " Current Literature," you notice the reduction in price recently made in certain editions of the Revised New......

The Home Of Rest For Horses.

[TO THY EDITOR OF THY •• 131.CTA1OR.1 Sta, — Yon have moat kindly from time to time aided in giving publicity to the work that has during the last year been taken up by the......

Cruelty To Children.

[To ram Exam or sus SPECTATOR."] Ssa,—Will you kindly permit us to bring before your readers the claims of the work in which we are engaged in the London Society for the......