17 DECEMBER 1887, page 30

Under Suspicion. By Edith Stowe. (t. Fisher Unwin.)—a...

a plot just sufficiently involved to arouse a half-waking attention, and written in flowing but rather dull and not distinct or emphatic language, often achieves a certain......

Sketches In Prose And Verse. By F. B. Doveton. (sampson

Low and Co.)—We do not expect that we shall please Mr. Doveton when we say that his prose is better than his verse. Yet it can scarcely be doubted that his sketches of Nature......

Misadventures At Margate : A Legend Of Jarvis's Jetty....

by Thomas Ingoldsby. Pictured by Ernest M. Jossop. (Eyre and Spottiewoode.)—We hardly recognised under this fine title our old friend, "The Little Vulgar Boy." But here he is,......

A Golden Thread Of Great Truths In Simple Words :

a Course of Instruction for Use in Church, School, or Home. By E. H. Pitcairn. With Preface by Rev. George Body, M.A. (Skeffington and Son.)— This book ie, as the title-page......

Jack Frost's Little Prisoners. By Stella Austin, S....

Caroline Birley, Lord Brabourne (E. H. Knatolibnll-Hugeesen), Mrs. Massey, Mrs. Molesworth, Mrs. Richmead Ritchie (Mies Thaokeray), Ethel M. Wilmot Barton, and Charlotte M.......

The Bubbling Teapot : A Wonder.stary. By Mrs. Lizzie W.

Champney. (Blackie and Son.)—The central idea of this awry is a pretty conceit. Flossy Tangleakein is in the habit of posing to Mr. Rose, an artist whose studio ie on the top of......

The Animal World An Advocate Of Humanity, Vol. Xvii., And

The Band of Mercy, Vol. IX. (S. W. Partridge and Co.), are two periodicals, differing in some respects, as in size and method (the Chet being wider and, we may say, more......

The Vision Of Sir Loofa. By James Russell Lowell. (sampson

Low and Co.)—Sir Launfal was en early work of Mr. Lowell's, and some of bin admirers think that he has never surpassed it. Some of the best thoughts of the new time, which,......

Home Again. By George Macdonald. (regan Paul, Trench, And...

are few readers who may not derive some profit from Dr. MacDonald's books ; but theists whom Home Again seems especially intended to benefit are not the young. In fact, it may......