A Golden Thread of Great Truths in Simple Words :
a Course of Instruction for Use in Church, School, or Home. By E. H. Pitcairn. With Preface by Rev. George Body, M.A. (Skeffington and Son.)— This book ie, as the title-page affirms, full of troth "in simple words;" and though in certain chapters it appears to as to pass over difficulties c4 which even children should be warned, each as the differences in matters of faith between different branches of the Catholic Church, and to speak on several subjects with a con- fidence which we could not at all share, we may say that it will be perfectly satisfactory to all high Anglicans, and that it contains many very admirable illustrations for children of extremely deep and wholesome truths. Now and then Miss Pitcairn is not quite accurate. For instance, she translates several times creditam est "is to be believed," instead of " has been believed," and this error makes the formula " Quod eemper, quod abique, clued ab omnibus" almost unmeaning, though we cannot say that even the right translation lays down a clear role. The printing and paper are all that could be wished.