17 DECEMBER 1887, page 2

King Milan Of Servia Did Not Shine Brightly In The

war with Bulgaria ; but he is certainly not a man without an opinion of Cs own. His present Ministers are very Russian, and their majority in Parliament have sent up an address......

Sir Louis Mallet's Letter In Tuesday's Times On The Conti-

nental sugar-bounties, is an admirable exposure of the nonsense talked by some pseudo-Free-traders who profess to regard interference with Free-trade in other countries,—if it......

Considerable Alarm Was Caused On Wednesday By A Statement...

the Crown Prince of Germany had suddenly and urgently telegraphed for Sir Morell Mackenzie. This turned out to be true ; but up to Friday afternoon there was no confirmation of......

Mr. Balfour's Rectorial Address To The Students Of St....

on the pleasures of miscellaneous reading, and especially on the large part which the gratification of curiosity plays in the satisfactions of every educated man's life, was an......

The Irish Patriots Are Evidently Beginning To Make Fun Of

their leaders. At Avonloo, County Sligo, at a meeting of the National League, the Rev. C. Filen presiding, it was resolved the other day that "we cannot find words to express......

The Convention Of Irish Landlords Held This Week Is...

uncertain what to do about Purchase, and has practically post- poned the subject until the meeting to be held just before the Session begins. A detailed scheme will then be......

It Is Now Many Years Since Mr. C. Pearson, The

historian, after a long tour in the United States, predicted in our columns that the Americans would sooner or later closely restrict immigra- tion. A direct Bill for this......

Bank Bate, 4 Per Cent.

Consols were ola Priday 1Qi to AOliz4.......

It Seems That We Are To Be Immediately Invited To

grapple with a portentous cipher which Mr. Donnelly has discovered or invented in the Shakespeare folio of 1623, and which, when interpreted, purports to assert that......