The Crescent and the Cross. By Eliot Warburton. (F. Warne
and Co.)—Among the many reminders of the flight of time, is the gradual passing out of the limitation of copyright of books of which one re- members the first appearance. Mr. Eliot Warburton published his book of travel in 1844. Eight years afterwards he was lost in the Amazon,' the West India mail steamer, blunt at sea January 4th, 1852. It would be unreasonable to object to the cheap republication of snob a book when this becomes legally possible but surely Messrs. Warne might have taken the trouble to give a few lines about the author and his work. About both something interesting might easily have been said ; and there is something peculiarly "Philistine" in reproducing the book in this crude way. It would not have cost much to have made the affair not wholly commercial.