18 AUGUST 1939, Page 2

Staff Talks in Moscow

No communiqués will be issued during the Anglo-French- Soviet military conversations in Moscow ; their progress will be cloaked in even greater darkness than the diplomatic negotiations which preceded them. The conversations opened with a two-hour meeting last Saturday ; it is taken as a sign of Soviet goodwill that Marshal Voroshiloff should give up his weekly day of rest so that the talks might open immediately. The task of the Anglo-French represen- tatives will be complicated because after each meeting they will have to hold inter-staff consultations and report to their respective capitals ; they will also confer with the diplomatic representatives in Moscow. It is to be hoped that the multiplicity of consultants will not introduce into the military talks the complications which hampered the progress of the previous negotiations ; reports indicate that the parties to the diplomatic talks were finally only separated by differences of an almost theological refinement. Mean- while Pravda continues to expound the official Bolshevik conception of the conflict which is foreseen. The second Imperialist war is at hand ; but Russia will intervene on just grounds to liberate oppressed nationalities and free the international proletariat from the tyranny of Fascism.