18 AUGUST 1939, page 6

Echoes From Territorial Camps Come Drifting In. The Last...

in most camps is pay-day, and the men are more than ready for a little relaxation, and the money to pay for it. Last Friday a certain battery, which had been hard at work since......

" Visit The Czechs: Bohemia-moravia, The Country Of...

runs an invitation in the window of the London office of the Germanised Protectorate. Or, if you prefer, " Czech the visits: Bohemia-Moravia, the country of living......

With All Respect For Mr. Hamilton Fish I Think There

is a danger of his pilgrimage through Europe being taken a little too seriously. Mr. Fish is not an American Senator (as one or two London papers have styled him), of whom there......

Death Is Said To Be A Great Leveller, But There

seems to be no special reason why the Oxford University Press should be the same. No doubt adjustment to the idea of anything so democratic as the publication of threepenny......

At A Time When The Calibre Of British Diplomatists Abroad

is being searchingly scrutinised, and rightly, the appoint- ment of Mr. Rex Leeper to the post of Minister at Bucharest will give universal satisfaction. He has had useful......

I Am Glad The Fiftieth Anniversary Of The Beginning Of

the strike that won the " dockers' tanner " in 1889 has not gone unnoticed. It is astonishing how long-lived the leaders in that struggle are. Of the four most......

A Doubled Coincidence, Trivial Though It May Be, Is Perhaps

worth noting. I mentioned three or four months ago in this column that I had been lunching with a friend at a London club and asked him about Roman Dmowski, the Polish......

Fair Play For The Territorials S Ince The Beginning Of...

the British public has been regaled with news of the joys and sufferings of the Territorial Army during its annual period of train- ing in camp. Press and news film combine to......

A Spectator's Notebook

T HE fact that fire should have broken out in two British air liners within a week—in the one case with disastrous results, in the other not—is on the face of it alarming. But......