18 AUGUST 1939, page 2

The Tokyo Talks

The British Government's decision to hand over to Japan the four Chinese suspected of complicity in the murder at Tientsin has inspired considerable indignation in some circles......

The Future Of Croatia

The future of Yugoslavia will be decided as much by her own internal problems as by the strong pressure exerted on her by the Axis ; a settlement of the Croat problem especially......

Alarm In Budapest

During the week-end Budapest was disturbed by rumours that Germany intended a sudden drive against Hungary ; their source is to be found in reports of the meeting between Count......

Staff Talks In Moscow

No communiqués will be issued during the Anglo-French- Soviet military conversations in Moscow ; their progress will be cloaked in even greater darkness than the diplomatic......

Palestine Hardship

Even those who have accepted the Government's White Paper on Palestine as defining the only policy practicable in existing circumstances are growing increasingly uneasy about......

A Warning To Mexico

The dispute between the Mexican Government and the oil companies whose property was expropriated two years ago has now entered a stage which, in the words of Mr. Sumner Welles,......