18 AUGUST 1939, page 18

Country Life

A COUNTRYMAN who had just journeyed across a section of the East Midlands plain gave me a grim description of the laid crops and the discoloration of the straw. I went a walk......

The Electric Fence

A number of inquiries have reached me—from Canada as well as Britain—about the electric fence that is now becoming popular, for the good reason that it is cheap and efficient. A......

The Lure Of Cox's

Birds, to my thinking, are the most delightful creatures to watch and study, and should be most rigorously protected ; but it has to be confessed that they may also be a good......

Lock And Keys

In a treasure-hunt recently enjoyed by a number of W.I. members a dozen botanical specimens had to be collected. The one that stumped most of the competitors was " hornbeam......


The ants themselves are not safe from those animals that enjoy formic acid as a food. During the last few weeks the lawn of a small country house has been frequented daily by a......

A Standard Compost

The research work, practical and scientific, into the making of a cheap and universal fertiliser seems at last to have reached a standard success. No garden need be short of......

Indian Pioneers

The method is not very different from what is known as the Indore system, which has been practised in India and other parts of the East for centuries ; but in this no chemical......

In The Garden

A writer on shrubs (in The Times) has said that the queen of the autumn-flowering species is the Euchryphia, which he associated with a late flowering species of the Deutzia. To......