18 AUGUST 1939, page 3

Parliament And The Colonies

A leading article in The Times has initiated a valuable discussion in its correspondence columns of the suggestion that a Committee of Parliament should be established to survey......

The Railwaymen's Claims

The meeting on Monday between the general managers of the four main railway companies and the representatives of the National Union of Railwaymen resulted in a deadlock, and......

Palestine Hardship

Even those who have accepted the Government's White Paper on Palestine as defining the only policy practicable in existing circumstances are growing increasingly uneasy about......

Too Light Darkness The Great Black-out Of Last Week Is

old history now, but it took place after The Spectator went to 'mess, and it cannot be allowed to pass without comment. So far, at any rate, as London is concerned, it was an......

Mr. De Valera And The I.r.a.

One of the most unfortunate consequences of the I.R.A.'s campaign of terrorism in this country is the popular anti- pathy to Irishmen as such that it has inspired. Yet the......

Afforesting The Wilderness

The report of the Committee appointed by the Minister of Health in January of last year to consider " the restoration of land affected by iron-working " raises some interesting......
