18 AUGUST 1939, page 22

What Collective Security Means Sta,—it Surprises Me That...

Angell should not see the difference between the " collective security " proposed by the founders of the League of Nations and the grouping of the nations into which we have now......

Scottish University Principals Snt,—your Dramatic Critic,...

M r . James Bridie's What Say They? remarks of Scotland that it is " a country where University principals are invariably nearer eighty than twenty-five." It is, in almost every......

Railways In Black-outs

SIR,—Your editorial note " Playing at Black-outs " reminds me of an experience during the early autumn of 1916. An air-raid was expected late one evening whilst I was in my......

The School And Society

SIR,—When, some time ago, I discussed the Companies of Service plan with Mr. McArthur and a number of other London headmasters I realised he was unsympathetic ; I did not......