18 AUGUST 1939, page 34

Company Meeting

GAUMONT-BRITISH PICTURE CORPORATION, LIMITED THE twelfth annual general meeting of the Gaumont-British Picture Corporation, Ltd., was held on August loth, in London. Mr. Isidore......

Finance And Investment

As most of us expected, August has brought markets back to the old tug of war between economics and politics, and so far the strong pulling from the political side has been very......

Insurance Shares For Recovery

I have been examining an interesting survey of the progress of our leading insurance companies in recent year... Here are some of the facts brought to light: gross profits in......

Gaumont-british Problems

Year after year the accounts of the Gaumont-British Picture Corporation are the target for criticism, and year after year the chairman soothes the troubled breasts of share-......

Colliery Share Switches

It is disappointing to find Amalgamated Anthracite Collieries, after its recent reconstruction, announcing a dividend of only I per cent. for the half-year to June 3oth on its......