18 AUGUST 1939, Page 32

The Alps in Three Countries

In the Alps themselves, in France and Italy and Switzer- land, there are scores of pleasant byways where you may drive unharassed by crowds. They are byways, of course, only in our sense of the word, that is secondary in weight of traffic; actually they are all of the first class and as reliable as the too-famous Route des Alpes itself. East of Grenoble, towards Turin, by the Col de l'Iseran and on the great road that runs from Milan to Geneva by Aecta and Albertville, you will find motoring of the proper kind, and on the south side of Lake Leman where the road follows the Rhone as far as the foot of the Simplon pass at Brig. That mighty hill must be climbed if only for the sake of the overpowering view you get from the hospice at 6,000 feet altitude, over the deep buried river to the three giants, the Aletschorn, Finsteraarhon and Jungfrau. Down at the bottom on the other side, in Italy, you can take the tromtain road from Domodossola to Cannobio on Lake Maggiore and re-enter Switzerland from Bellinzona by Airolo and Andermatt.

Out again and into France you can drive down the Rhine as far as Colmar and there turn into the Vosges by the exquisite Col de la Schlucht and so come home by Nancy and Luxembourg. There is a three-weeks' leisurely cruise for you on which you will only sometimes meet too many of your fellows.