iTo- Tun EDITOR OF Tn. ''Srzerxron.1 .San,—Permit me .to reply.
Your comment .on my letter of ;last, week does not meet the difficulty. Whether the grant. is 'made to the incumbent or to the living, its ;purpose is the ,same,—to give the clergyman in charge of the parish a "living ,wage." He needs it whether he has two hundred or two thousand parishioners, and the fairest-way-will -be- to treat all who need it alike. Consider also that the incumbents of ;many of the smaller livings are in the most pitiable condition. They have no one who can help; their parishioners are small farmers and their labourers, with no resident gentry. Con- sequently the clergyman has often to find the greater part of the working expenses. Parishes with five hundred and over have generally souse residents who are able to contribute.