I Beg To Acknowledge, With Feelings Of Deep Gratitude, Your
Letter of the 8th inst., with reference to Os death of My only son, the vietial of the Craughwell tragedy. This communication ; reached me through the Inspector-General of Royal......
THE FINAL MYSTERY AT ELEUSIS. [This myth in believed to have come from Egypt to Greece, and there to have formeut part of the doctrine commnnicated to the initiated at the......
VETERANS' OF THE ORCHESTRA. • IT is not altogether easy to find analogies in other spherei of activity for the'"poSition of the'leading members of our great orchestras. - They'......
Rhe " Spectator " Fund For The Family Of The
MURDERED IRISH CONSTABLE. THE following correspondence has passed between the editor pf the Spectator and Mr. Goldrick, father of the murdered ponstable :— The "Spectator"......
Notice.—when Articles Or "correspondence" Are Signed With...
name or initials, or with- a pseudonym, or are' snarled "Communicated," the Editor must not necessarily be held to be in agreement with the vietos therein expressed or with the......