The Liberal Party And Free-trade.
[To TUB EDITOR OF TUN "SPECTATOR.] SIR, —Mr. Asquith in his speech to the Free-Trade Union at the Queen's Hall on March 9th paid full tribute to the Presence of the prominent......
[To TUN EDITOR OF THE "SPNCT■TOR.1 the notice of Dr. Way's translation of the Eumenides of Aeschylus in the Spectator of January 30th the reviewer takes exception to his......
Malherbe's Poem On Death.
ere VIE EDITOR 01 SPNCTAT014" J S I R, — In the Spectator of January 30th I read what your reviewer well called "noble lines on death" by Malherbe. I venture to send a......
Socialism And Liberalism.
(TO THts MDITOR Op Tall "SPRIOTLTOR.'1 SIR,—In your issue of March 6th a letter appears from Mr. Arthur Ponsonby, M.P., who cannot imagine any circum- stances in which Liberals......
"arcades Adibo."
[To TH2 EDITOR OF T1112 "SPECTATOR." J SIR, —You lately made a strong protest against the action of the Confederates in endeavouring to exclude Free-trade Unionists from the......
Degraded Parents And Their Children.
[To TUN EDITOR OM TIll "SPNCTATOR."J SIR,—In your issue of the 13th inst. there is a review (specially interesting because it agrees with the general view you have been lately......
Perjury And Publicity In The Divorce Court.
[To MI EDITOR Or TUN "SPROTATOR.1 BIR,—Your correspondent Mr. Thomas-Stanford (Spectator, February 27th) suggests that the remedy for the discreditable state of affairs now......