20 MARCH 1909, page 15
[to The Editor Ow The "spectator."] Sir,—in Your Article...
week under this heading you state that the Sanjak of Novi Bazar "was never placed under Austro-Huugarian administration, as were Bosnia and Herze- govina," and that the obvious......
Indian Mohammedans And Lord Morley's Reforms.
[To THE EDITOR OW THE " SPEOTATOZ.1 SIR,—The Spectator has pointed out how essential it is in this matter for the true facts, and all the facts, to be taken into account. It is......
The Political Balance-sheet Of Austria- Hungary.
[To TIIA EDITOR or TR R "SPECTATOR."] Sin,—The political balance-sheet of Austria-Hungary which you drew up in your issue of March 13th seems to me, as one not unacquainted with......