No S.
GEOFFREY CHERITON.* BARNETT has given us in Geoffrey Cheriton a very inter- esting study in hero-worship based on an experience familiar to many of our readers,—the reversal of......
Readablb Novims.—ifenry Of Navarre. By May Wynne....
6s.)—As a romantic play of the same title as this book is being acted in London at the moment, it is sufficient to say that there is plenty of adventure and movement in the......
Thie—lifil Son. By Ren6 Basin. Translated By Dr. A. S.
Rappoport. (Sisley's. Gs.)—Though not equal in power to M. Basin's last book, " Redemption," his present volume gives an interesting description of the life of a large farmer......
The Carnegie Foundation.t The Substance Of This Report...
easily stated. The Carnegie Foundation has an income of about 2110,000, which is devoted entirely to providing retiring pensions for Emeriti Professors whose term of activity......
Daphne In Fitzroy Street, By E. Nesbit. (george Allen And
Sons. Gs.)—When Miss Nesbit writes a book for children and opens for her readers the doors of the realms of faerie, the events and adventures which she describes are entirely......