Grants To Poor Livings.
LTO TIER EDITOR OF TOR SPECTATOR.") Bin,—I venture to say that you would not, have traversed Mr. Rotton's letter in your lest issue quite so ; adversely.were you . practically......
.seigneur Dakimkeyipert.
ILTO TRH Remit OF Till "SPKGPATOlt."] SIR,—In his letter bearing this title (Spectator, February 2 7th) your correspondent Mr. Warrick observes: "Ands' iu Scotland is locally......
Lord Lovat.
[To TRH EDITOR OF TUE "Sracrkroa.“1 Si, — ay I point out that the words of Lord Lovat to the Major of the Tower, which you quote in your review of Mr. Mgekenzie's Life in last......
Hero-worship And Patriotism. [to Trio Editor Of Trh "...
SIR,—The extractel am venturing to send you on the subject of hero-worship and patriotism are, from a. commonplace-book of , the late Dr.; S. Cheetham, Archdeacon of Rochester.......
Degraded Parents And Their Children.
[To TUN EDITOR OM TIll "SPNCTATOR."J SIR,—In your issue of the 13th inst. there is a review (specially interesting because it agrees with the general view you have been lately......
Ito- Tun Editor Of Tn. ''srzerxron.1 .san,—permit Me .to...
Your comment .on my letter of ; last, week does not meet the difficulty. Whether the grant. is ' made to the incumbent or to the living, its ;purpose is the ,same,—to give the......
Rhe " Spectator " Fund For The Family Of The
MURDERED IRISH CONSTABLE. THE following correspondence has passed between the editor pf the Spectator and Mr. Goldrick, father of the murdered ponstable :— The "Spectator"......