[To TRH EDITOR OF TUE "Sracrkroa.“1 Si,—ay I point out that the words of Lord Lovat to the Major of the Tower, which you quote in your review of Mr. Mgekenzie's Life in last week's Spectator, are an echo of a grim saying 9f another ;Scotsman,—a man of very different character P When Samuel Rutherford, the great Covenanting divine, was lying on his deathbed in 1661, eighty-five years before Simon Fraser came to the scaffold, he received a Aummons to appear before ,Parliament on a charge of high treason. " Tell them," he said, "that I have got a summons already from a superior Judge and Judicatory, and I behove to answer my first summons, and ere your day arrives, / will be where few Kings and great folks come." Was the old fox thinking of the words of the Presbyterian and Republican saint, or, is it simply a coincidence P—I am, Sir, &c.,