The Exportation Of Capital.
LTO 11111 KllITOR TRH "Spranwroit."] SIR,—Your article on this subject in last week's Spectator must commend itself to many minds; but there appear to me to be two moat serious......
[to Tim Editor Op Ton "rp5otatort."]
SIR,--We are here owing to the disunion caused by racial, religious, and caste antipathies. These causes of disunion are being steadily increased by our defective educational......
Socialism And Liberalism.
(TO THts MDITOR Op Tall "SPRIOTLTOR.'1 SIR,—In your issue of March 6th a letter appears from Mr. Arthur Ponsonby, M.P., who cannot imagine any circum- stances in which Liberals......
Indian Mohammedans And Lord Morley's Reforms.
[To THE EDITOR OW THE " SPEOTATOZ.1 SIR,—The Spectator has pointed out how essential it is in this matter for the true facts, and all the facts, to be taken into account. It is......