20 MARCH 1909, Page 19

I beg to acknowledge, with feelings of deep gratitude, your

Letter of the 8th inst., with reference to Os death of My only son, the vietial of the Craughwell tragedy. This communication ; reached me through the Inspector-General of Royal Irish Con- • stibulary, who has shown much kindness and concern in the matter: Any words- of mine fail to convey to you an idea of the comfort and consolation which your words of manly sympathy bring to me in my bereavement.

I fully appreciate the humanity and generosity shown by you and the other Subscribers to the Fund, in raising a BUM of ' money • to provide for-my comforts in my old age ; and, though I may live but a 'short time to derive any benefit froth it, yet it will be a consolation to mo that I can make provision for my delicate daughter after my death, now that her brother is no snore.

Again I thank you from my; heart for your kind words and acts towards myself—words and acts which shall ever remain Uppermost in my I am, Sir, Your obedient Servant,

J. Sr. Loa STRACRICY, Esq.