Our Civic Life. Edited, by W. Beach Thomas. (Alston Rivers.
is. net.)—Here we read about many things in which we are, or ought to be, interested,—about rates (surely there is no parish in ;which these are 15s.) ; about tithes (it is incorrect to say that in 1806 "the average price of corn was decided to be 50s. a quarter"; wheat, barley, and oats had each a figure, 568. 10d., 31e. 4d., 22s., and 50s. represents neither any one of the three nor the average) ; about the Poor Law and its ramifications ; the parish and its officers; Councils of the parish, district, and county; education and other matters. The information is, as has been seen, not always quite accurate} but it may be said that this is, on the whole, a useful volume.