21 NOVEMBER 1914, Page 13


NVE record with deep regret the death of Lord Roberts, which occured last Saturday evening at Sir John French's headquarters. Lord Roberts had gone to France specially to visit the Indian troops, of whom he was Colonel-in-Chief. He caught cold on Thursday week, and his heart was not strong enough to resist the attack of pneumonia -which followed. We have written elsewhere of Lord Roberts's brilliant career, and of his great example not only as a soldier but as a man. We may add here that the Times of Monday published a letter in which M. Gaston Dru, a French corre- spondent, stated that, in conversation with him on Tuesday week, Lord Roberts expressed regret that more publicity and publio credit were not given to the heroic endurance and gallantry of our men abroad. He thought that more might be allowed to be said in the newspapers without injury to our military plans,