The Germans Also Regularly Delivered Night Attacks, Which...
or looked like succeeding. They were made apparently in order to annoy our troops and prevent them from sleeping, yet the Germans lost great numbers of men in these enterprises.......
We Are Glad To Learn That The Laudable Persistence Of
the Prince of Wales has been rewarded, and that he has been allowed to go to the front, where he is now an A.D.C. to Sir John French. We can well believe the statement that the......
We Are Glad To Record That There Has Been What
may with. out exaggeration be described as " a rush " to subscribe the new loan far three hundred and fifty millions. We trust, however, that the great success of the loan will......
The Papers Of Tuesday And Wednesday Contained Two...
despatches from an eyewitness at Sir John French's headquarters. These descriptive narratives have improved remarkably in value since the beginning of the war—a fact which does......
The Eyewitness's Narrative Published On Wednesday Recorded
a great change in tactics—another desperate assault on the grand scale against the British line. During the previous days the Germans had evidently been bringing up rein-......
In The Reuse Of Commons On Monday Mr. Asquith Asked
for and obtained a Vote of Oredit for £225,000,000 and a vote for another million men for the Regular Army. He-first explained how the former vote of £100,000,000 was expended.......
On Wednesday The Admiralty Issued A Further Statement...
naval action off Chile embodying the despatch of the Captain of the Glasgow.' From this we learn that Admiral Cradock was in touch with the ' Canopus' by wire- less, and......
We Are Particularly Glad To Notice The Unreserved Praise...
Mr. Hodge, speaking for the Labour Party, gave to the officers of the Army. They deserved more pay, he said, and those who used to talk about their " swank " now wished rather......
The Action, We Are Told, Lasted Fourteen Minutes, After...
the Goebel)? which was very much faster than the Russian Fleet, disappeared in the mist. The Breslau,' it appears, did not take part in the action, but kept in the offing. The......
Mr. Long Urged That The Pay Of Officers Should Be
increased, that more publicity should be given to the stirring deeds of our troops abroad—the best way would be to have " accredited and carefully selected correspondents at the......
Bank Pate, 6 Per Cent., Changed From 6 Per Cent.
Aug. 8th.......