21 NOVEMBER 1914, page 25

" Views Of The War Office.

(To THE EDITOR OF THE GLASGOW HERALD!) Sra.,—At such a time as this one cannot honourably remain silent, and the able article of your correspondent in to-day's Herald leads me......

Village Guards.

[To vas EDITOR or TUB STRCTATOR:1 Sra,—The patriotic efforts of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Lord Desborougb, yourself, and other far-sighted men, under the genial sunshine of War......

Recruiting In Scotland.

[To TER EDITOR OP Ms "BricT■ToR.1 SIR, — III an editorial note in your last issue you write : "It is in the great industrial centres of Scotland that there has been slackness,......

[to Mn Burros Or Tim Spectat01:] Sir,—with Reference To...

Pollard ' s excellent letter to the Times on the subject of putting a stop to professional football, and also with reference to Punch's cartoon on the same subject, the......

Drill For Schoolboys.

[To TIM EDITOR or Tss " Blazer/cos:1 Snt,—You have always been in favour of a reasonable amount of training for the young, and may be glad to know what is being done by at least......

Football And 'nib War.

[To TEN EDITOR or rm " SrZetiTOR.”1 SIR,—If you happen to be dealing with football in relation to recruiting, the enclosed letter (which appeared in last Saturday ' s Glasgow......