21 NOVEMBER 1914, page 31


T tiE DEMI-GODS.* MR. STEPHENS'S new romance is a story of the open road, of tramps and tinkers and vagabonds and angelic visitants.. The subject-matter suggests comparisons on......

A. Bundle Of War Books. — Ii.* A Pamphlet Which Should...

the special attention of our readers is Sir Donald Mackenzie Wallace's Our Russian Ally.' The world has nothing to teach Sir Donald Wallace about Russia, and we most sincerely......

Reminiscences From Scotland Yard.* Sir Melville...

which fall to few men, and he has evidently enjoyed them. He • Days of y roars. By Sir Melville I,. Macnaght e n, C.B. London: Edward Arnold. [12e. 6d. net.] writes his......