21 NOVEMBER 1914, page 28

Woolwich Girls' Club.

[To TH. EDITOR OP TUB " SPRCTATOR."1 141x,—Since the war began the necessity for places of recreation and occupation for girls in garrison towns has become extremely urgent. A......


MATRI DOLOROSAE. THEY bore a warrior home upon his shield To hollow Lacedaemon, long ago; They told how, lion-like, he charged the foe, And fell the hero of a hard-won field.......

To The Men Of The Training Camps. The Article On

the above subject has now been reprinted in pamphlet form by the London and County Printing Works, Bazaar Buildings, Drury Lane, London, W.C. Copies can be obtained from them at......


AN ITALIAN MINISTER FOR FOREIGN AFFAIRS.' IN this collection of speeches by Signor Tommaso Tittoni, which is dedicated to Mr. Balfour, we see an Italian Minister for Foreign......

Fruit And Vegetables For The Fleet. [to The Editor Oy

THE " SPECTATOR.") SIR,—I should feel very grateful if you would be so good as to bring under the notice of your readers the objects of, and work being done by, the Vegetable......

A Badge For Volunteers.

[To TIM EDITOR OP TH2 "SPECTATC Sra,—Now that it has been decided that a volunteer for his Majesty's Army may enrol himself by writing and then wait his call, may I suggest......

1iotice.—when "correspondence" Or Articles Are Signed...

or initials, or with a pseudonym, or are marked " Communicated," the .hdilor must not necessarily be held to be in agreement with the views therein expressed or with the mode of......