21 NOVEMBER 1914, page 32

Readable Novels. —ouse A Week. By A. A. Milne. (methuen And

Co. 6s.)—Mr. Milne is, if possible, more brilliant than ever before. It is a real joy to renew friendship with what has always been a deli g ht to read in Punch. The Frontiers......


T tiE DEMI-GODS.* MR. STEPHENS'S new romance is a story of the open road, of tramps and tinkers and vagabonds and angelic visitants.. The subject-matter suggests comparisons on......

The Name Of Treitschke Is So Much In Our Mouths

just now that many En g lish readers will be g rateful for an opportunity of making first-hand ac q uaintance with that militant Pro- fessor's personality and ideas. The first......

Bellamy. By Elinor Mordaunt. (methuen And Co. 6s.)— There...

been few bits of writin g in recent fiction as good or as comprehensive as Miss Mordaunt's account of the workers' life in the silk factories of North Staffordshire. Even a......

Now That We Have A G Ain To Consider The Treatment Of

prisoners of war on a large scale, special interest will be taken in Napoleon the Gaoler, by Edward Fraser (Methuen and Co., 5a. net), based on the personal narratives of......

Some Books Of The Week.

[Notice in this column does not necessarily preclude subsequent review.] The first place amongst war books this week must be given to a, manly and heartening volume of sermons,......