21 NOVEMBER 1914, page 27

The Iodine Treatment Of Wounds.

[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR.") Sin,—In your last issue " F. H. C.-D." urges immediate investi- gation by the authorities of this "invention," and quotes a French newspaper......

Alleged International Hatred Between Germany And England.

[To TB2 EDITOR 07 TH2 " 8PICT2T02..'l SIR,—It is with astonishment and pain that I read in the Spectator of hatred supposed to exist on both sides between the people of Germany......

Fruit And Vegetables For The Fleet. [to The Editor Oy

THE " SPECTATOR.") SIR,—I should feel very grateful if you would be so good as to bring under the notice of your readers the objects of, and work being done by, the Vegetable......

German And Austrian Newspapers.

[To TR/ EDITOR Or TH11 "SPECTITOR."1 SIR,—I wonder if you or any of your readers can suggest a reason for the fact that it is impossible to buy a German or Austrian newspaper in......